Thursday, October 21, 2004

ACS journal club, 11/16

The inaugural meeting of the monthly journal club will be on Tuesday, November 16, at 3:00 PM, at the Hungarian Pastry Shop (Amsterdam between 110th and 111th).

We'll be discussing "The anti-emergency constitution", by Laurence Tribe and Patrick Gudridge, 113 Yale L.J. 1801 (2004). We'll try to understand the arguments for and against emergency powers for the American government and talk about what the scope and limits of such powers should be. Assuming the Bush administration has gone too far, could laws have prevented it?

You don't need to have studied the article thoroughly. But please at least skim it, so that you will have some thoughts on the topic. We'll talk informally for an hour or two, depending on how it goes.

Coffee etc. will be provided by ACS. I hope to see you there!

Article availability: The article itself is available online at the Yale Law Journal's home page or at
Also you may want to look at "The emergency constitution, by Bruce Ackerman, 113 Yale L.J. 1029 (2004), at

Questions? Email Keith at


At 8:26 AM, Anonymous said...

Terima kasih sudah mengizinkan saya untuk berkomentar disini, artikel anda sangat bagus sekali. izinkan kami untuk menshare nya ke web kami di obat ABORSI
atas izinnya kami haturkan terima kasi, semoga situs anda dan kami semakin maju dan berada di peringkat pertama google.


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