Monday, March 28, 2005

Candidate Statement: Mike Newman

Name: __Mike Newman_______________________________

Class: ____’06_____________________________

Phone: ___212.853.3432______________________________

Email: __mjn2102@columbia.edu_______________________________

Position(s) Desired: __3L Rep___________________

Statement of Interest (1-2 pages):
Please address the following two questions in your statement:
1. Why are you interested in serving on the ACS Board?
2. As a board member, what ideas for programming would you like to implement next year?

My experiences with ACS have been very rewarding thus far. I have been involved in most aspects of the chapter over the last two years, and I look forwards to sharing these experiences with the incoming leaders that will take charge of the group next year. We do many things well – I think our programming this year (although not always student-initiated) has been strong. However, I think there are several challenges that we continue to face as a chapter. These challenges offer opportunities for us to grow as well. I believe the following three issues should be addressed in the coming year:

We need to do a better job of getting rank-and-file members to become involved in the chapter. Developing a dynamic “reading group” is a great first step in making ACS a forum for progressive/liberal students to come together and engage each other intellectually. ACS’s Constitution 2020 project also offers the opportunity for us to work toward a unifying progressive vision of where we think American law should move over the next 20 years. Above all, I hope to help create an entrepreneurial spirit among members; particularly 1Ls. We can make this chapter anything we want, and the best way to get member participation is to encourage member ownership of events, even if (especially if) they are not on the board.

We should try to improve and expand the mentor program. As I stated above, I think that ASC, particularly the student chapters, should be focused on scholarship and debate. However, that does not mean we should ignore networking and career counseling. If the mentor program works well, it will provide great advice and contacts for our members in the workplace.

We should improve our communication with other student groups, particularly identity organizations that share our progressive vision of law. More perspectives leads to more interesting programming and more vibrant debate.


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