Monday, January 09, 2006

This Week at the ACS: Welcome Back!

Welcome back, Columbia ACS!

The President has authorized warrantless wiretapping. Judge Alito's confirmation hearings begin tomorrow. Corrupt lobbyist Abramoff has copped a plea, and his testimony reportedly will threaten several members of Congress. To say the least, we live in interesting times--and we've got some great programs and events headed your way. Here's what's coming up in the next two weeks:

**"STORMING THE COURT" ON TUESDAY: In 1992, an idealistic band of Yale law students, led by then-untested law professor Harold Koh (now YLS Dean), battled the United States Government to free hundreds of Haitian refugees held in a prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. Don't miss this opportunity to hear Brandt Goldstein and Sarah Cleveland--two members of that team--tell you why Yvonne Pascal and her fellow refugees were being held, and how justice eventually triumphed. JG 101 at lunch--see you there! Cosponsored by the Human Rights Institute.

**PETER RUBIN, ACS FOUNDER, VISITS COLUMBIA: On Thursday, January 19, Peter Rubin, professor of law at Georgetown and founder of the ACS, visits Columbia. Professor Rubin is a renowned Supreme Court advocate well known for his work on behalf of the right to privacy. January 19, 6:00 p.m., JG 106; wine and cheese reception to follow.

**FIRST GENERAL MEETING of the semester will take place Tuesday, January 17, at lunch, in JG 101. Lunch provided.

**ACS MOOT COURT HEATS UP: The CLS ACS moot court team will participate in practice rounds this weekend, with elimination rounds to determine the national competition qualifiers coming up next week. Good luck to all the team members!

**BLOG THIS!: The CLS ACS Blog returns from winter break this week with a Blog This! topic on Judge Alito's nomination hearings. Watch your inboxes--and the blog--for more details.

**COMING UP LATER THIS SEMESTER: An open-bar membership party; a panel discussion on NSA wiretapping; ACS National Moot Court Competition, March 4-5; Nelson Mandela's lawyer George Bizos; and much more--stay tuned!

Welcome back to Spring Semester 2006--we hope to see you around! And don't forget--we're always interested in your ideas for events and programs. Write to us at
--Mary Kelly and the Columbia ACS leadership team


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